TOKYO is maybe a megacity, by it’s fair share of problema  because Tokyo’s population density.

 with over 13 million people, some parts of Tokyo can exceed 20,000 people per square kilometer, making Tokyo a very crowded city. One problen tokyo’s  for the overppopulation is the wáter supplies may son insufficient for whole populatión. Tokyo’s goverment  have to spent more money on wáter. 

Another problem of Tokyo is its unfortunate geographical location - on a fault line. Japan is a hotspot for earthquake activity, and Tokyo is no exception. Strong earthquakes are common in Tokyo, killing many people, and destroying many buildings. A problem in Tokyo that is also dangerous is how easily disease can spread in Tokyo. This is largely due to overpopulation, allowing diseases to spread between people more easily, since they are closer together. This can be very dangerous if there is a life-threatening disease in Tokyo, as it would be able to spread very quickly, killing many people. 

Traffic congestion, resident concerns over a lack of antidisaster measures and other problems that arise from overpopulation are still serious problems, it says, calling for more efforts in forming a national consensus on transferring the capital’s functions from Tokyo. The number of people who live in the greater metropolitan area, comprised of the Tokyo area plus Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma and Yamanashi prefectures, totaled some 40,550,000 as of Oct. 1, 1996, representing 32.2 percent of the nation’s  population, the paper says.


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