

Overpopulation Overpopulation is an undesirable condition where the number of existing human population exceeds the carrying capacity of Earth. In the history of our species the number of deaths and births was balanced achieving the welfare of the population, however in the last fifty years the population has grown into overpopulation. Overpopulation is caused by the following factors Decline in Death Rate: If the number of children born each year equals the number of adults that die, the population will stabilize. Better Medical Facilities: Medical science made many discoveries, thanks to which many diseases were defeated. Technological Advancement in Fertility Treatment Immigration : Many people prefer to move to developed countries, the end result is that those people settle over there and those places become overcrowded. Lack of Family Planning Effects of Overpopulation The effects of overpopulation are quite severe. Depleti...
 OVERPOPULATIÓN IN TOKYO TOKYO is maybe a megacity, by it’s fair share of problema   because Tokyo’s population density.  with over 13 million people, some parts of Tokyo can exceed 20,000 people per square kilometer, making Tokyo a very crowded city. One problen tokyo’s  for the overppopulation is the wáter supplies may son insufficient for whole populatión. Tokyo’s goverment  have to spent more money on wáter.  Another problem of Tokyo is its unfortunate geographical location - on a fault line. Japan is a hotspot for earthquake activity, and Tokyo is no exception. Strong earthquakes are common in Tokyo, killing many people, and destroying many buildings. A problem in Tokyo that is also dangerous is how easily disease can spread in Tokyo. This is largely due to overpopulation, allowing diseases to spread between people more easily, since they are closer together. This can be very dangerous if there is a life-threatening dise...

Olingocene Period Katherin Molina

Third period of the Tertiary Age. It extended for 14 million years (38 - 24 million years). Its name means "small life" Beginning of the formation of the mountain range of the Alps and the Apennines.  Mammals dominated life on Earth. The camels are extinguished in America. Migrations of Oreodontes  in this period the freezing of the earth begins klsdji